Freethought Archives > Charles Southwell > Superstition Unveiled



 [4:1] 25th November, 1845.

 [4:2] Vide 'Times' Commissioner's Letter on the Condition of Ireland, November 28, 1845.

 [8:1] 'Essay on Providence and a Future State.'

 [9:1] Essay of the Academical or Sceptical Philosophy.  [9:2] Critical remarks on Lord Brougham's 'Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the time of George III.'--The Times, Wednesday, October l, 1845.

 [10:1] History of American Savages.

 [11:1] Appendix the Second to 'Plutarchus and Theophrastus on Superstition.'

 [11:2] Philosophy of History.

 [12:1] See a Notice of Lord Brougham's Political Philosophy, in the number for April, 1845.

 [15:1] 'Apology for the Bible,' page 133.

 [15:2] Unusquisque vestrum non cogitat prius se debere Deos nosse quam colere.

 [20:1] See a curious 'Essay on Nature,' Printed for Badcock and Co., 2, Queen's Head Passage, Paternoster Row. 1807.

 [23:1] Elements of Materialism, chapter 1.

 [24:1] Discussion on the Existence of God, between Origen Bachelor and Robert Dale Owen.

 [29:1] Hume's Treastise on Human Nature.

 [29:2] This sexing is a stock receipt for mystification.--Colonel Thompson.

 [30:1] The Rev. J.K. Smith.

 [31:1] 'An Address on Cerebral Physiology and Materialism,' delivered to the Phrenological Association In London, June 20, 1842.

 [33:1] Principia Mathematica, p. 528, Lond. edit., 1720.

 [38:1] Lessing.

 [42:1] Lecture by the Rev. Hugh M'Neil, Minister of St. Jude's Church, Liverpool, delivered about seven years since, in presence of some 400 of the Irish Protestant Clergy.

 [42:2] The necessary existence of Deity, by William Gillespie.

 [42:3] Page 106 of a Discussion on the Existence of God, between Origen Batchelor and R.D. Owen.

 [43:1] Quoted by Dr. Samuel Clarke, in his introduction to the Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity.

 [47:1] Ecclesiastical History, vol. ii, page 11.

 [48:1] Manicheisme, tome ii, p. 568.

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